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A Multi-Phase Field Simulation of the Grain Growthin SmCo Polycrystal Assisted by Magnetic Fields

发布时间:2024-05-25    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印


时间:2024年5月27日 周一下午15:30-17:00


Abstract: The functional properties of sintered magnets dependon their microstructureInvestigating the microstructure evoluton durng sintering or heat treatment helps us to improve themagnetic performance. However. solving the coupling betiwveen the structural and magnetic degrees ofreedom on the micrometer scale is not possible with most of the current simulation packages. Thereforewe implemented the equations needed to treat both degrees of freedom in the framework of the multiphase field model. We verified our implementation using a magnetic vortex example. Then we applied ou

model to the field-assisted grain growth in $m2Co17 polycrystal films to investigate the impact of themagnetic energy on grain growth and magnetic performance. Our model provides a solution for themicrostructure evolution in ferromagnetic polycrystals.

霍流,本科毕业于华南师范大学,于德国波鸿鲁尔大学取得硕士和博士学位。博士期间师从相场领域专家Ingo Steinbach教授,并获得德国马普学会钢铁研究所Surmat项目奖学金,主要的工作方向为微磁学和相场方法的建模。