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Quantitative Phase Field Simulations: Mastering theArt of Material Design in Metals and Oxide ceramics

发布时间:2024-05-25    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印




Abstract: Since decades, phase field method has been developed as a promising tailor of material designNot only quantitative phase field model. but also key experiments validation assist the quantitative phasefield simulations. In this presentation, the novel thermodynamic consistent nondiagonal phase field modelobeying the Onsager's relation and providing the universal framework in the phase field community isintroduced. The capability of the quantitative phase field model is validated with different phasetransformations and key experiments. Furthermore.we also explore the quantitative phase fieldsimulations in the field of finctional oxide ceramics. In the principle of defect chemistry linked to fermilevels, we quantitively reproduce the space charge layer formation in SrTi03 bicrystals. Additionally, weemploy phase field simulations to explore the phenomenon of abnormal grain growth in SrTiO3polycrystalline material during sintering processes.

汪凯,于2010-2017年在中南大学亚洲体育博彩平台(中国)官方网站 获得本科和硕士学位,2017年-2021年获得德国亚琛工业大学博士学位,博士期间开发定量非对角线相场模型。并对不同相变过程进行研究。同年进入德国于利希研究中心进行博士后研究,研究主要包括使用多尺度模拟方法对固态氧燃料电池的解离过程进行研究。2023年5月进入达姆工业大学进行博士后研究,研究的主要内容是以费米能级和缺陷化学为基础开发多物理场耦合的相场模型,重建空间电荷层分布,并对SrTi03烧结过程中的异常晶粒长大过程进行研究。报告人在研究期间,发表PhysRevB和PhysRev Mater等刊物发表论文14篇,并参加了第四届和第五届国际相场会议,并做口头报告。