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Leveraging External Fields and Single AtomsInterfacing for Enhanced Catalysis

发布时间:2024-12-10    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报 告 人:Zhiqun Lin 教授 National University of Singapore

报告时间:2024年12月15日 周日 下午13:00-15:00

地点:三一大楼 603


The ability to create highly efficient, low-cost, and stable electrocatalysts, and to craft metalsingle atom catalysts (SACs) in which transition metal atoms are asymmetrically coordinatedwith organic heteroatoms, represents important endeavors toward accelerating sluggish water.oxidation kinetics and developing high-performance SACs over symmetrically coordinatedcounterparts, respectively. In this talk, I will discuss on unravelling photothermal and magneticfield effects of spinel nanoparticles to promote dynamic active sites generation, thereby markedlyenhancing their oxygen evolution reaction activity. Subsequently, I will present superiolbifimetional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction/oxygen evolution reaction, enabled byinterfacing single Fe atoms between wrinkled MoS2 and N-doped carbon nanospheres. Theyrender robust wearable zinc-air batteries with high capacity and outstanding cycling stabilityFinally, I will introduce confining asymmetrically coordinated Fe single atoms with nitrogen andphosphorus atoms within rationally designed, spoke-like, mesoporous carbon scaffolds to boosring-opening reaction of epoxides, leading to production of an array of pharmacologically.important B-amino alcohols.


Dr. Zhiqun Lin is currently Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at theNational University of Singapore (NUS). He joined the Department of Materials Science andEngineering at the lowa State University as an Assistant Professor in 2004 and was promoted toAssociate Professor in 2010. He moved to Georgia Institute of Technology in 2011, and become aProfessor in 2014. He relocated to National University of Singapore in 2022. His researchinterests include solar cells, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, batteries, block copolymersconjugated polymers, fietional nanocrystals, hierarchically structured and assembled materialsand surface and interfacial properties.