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Phase transitions in lead-free Bi0.5Na0.5Ti03based ferroelectrics

发布时间:2024-12-10    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报告人:Haixue Yan 教授 Queen Mary University of London

报告时间:2024年12月13日 周五 上午10:00-12:00

地点:三一大楼 406-1


Due to the worldwide concerns of environmental proteetion and sustainable developmentlead-free ferroelectric materials are greatly desired to replace lead-based PZT ferroelectrics fodielectric and piezoelectric applications. Bi0.5Na0.5Ti03 (BNT) system shows promisingdielectric and piezoelectric properties and the properties are related to phase transitions undeapplied electrical field, There are different models in literature to explain the transitiormechanism, In this talk, we will review the reported phase transitions models and explain theilinks to improved dielectric and piezoelectric properties. Specifically, we will focus on dielectricsfor high power energy storage, piezoelectric sensors with increased thermal stability andpiezoelectric actuators with high field-induced strain.


Dr Haixue Yan works on high temperature piezoelectric, Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), phasetransitions in ferroelectries., fie reported for the first-time ferroelecetricity and piezoelectricity inlayer-structured A2B207 ceramics with super-high Curie points (>1450 'C). This work hasproduced a step-change in the operating temperature of piezoelectric sensors. His work on SPshas demonstrated that nano particles can work as building blocks during fast sintering. His workon ferroelectric characterization has provided evidences to answer open questions on phasetransitions in lead-free ferroelectrics including Bi0.5Na0.5Ti03, NaNbO3 and AgNbO3-baseddielectrics. Recently his research has focused on high entropy ferroelectric ceramies for dielectricand/or piezoelectric applications. His recent work also covers THz probing dielectrics and highentropy ceramics.He is on the editorial board of Scientific Reports, Advance in Applied Ceramics, MateriaResearch Bulletin and Journal of Advanced Ceramics. Dr, Yan is an FlMMM and FRSC. He has9 patents and >250 publications in peer-reviewed journals with an H-index of 59. He regularlygives invited/keynote talks in international conferences.