报告人:JonghwanSuhr,Professor(韩国)Sungkyunkwan University
报告时间:2024年10月21日 周一 上午9:00-10:00
Cellular and architected materials are referred to as mechanical metamaterials whenapplied in structural, load-bearing, or similar funetions. By regulating porosity andstrategically arranging materials, employing them only in necessary areas, metamaterialsare not only lighter than their fully solid equivalents but can also be engineered to achievespecific mechanical properties. Particularly, the structure and porosity of metamaterialscan also be controlled to tailor thermal, acoustic, or electromagnetic properties. Thedevelopment of various Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques has greatly advancedthe study of metamaterials. Furthermore, the development of laser powder bed fusion(LPBF) technique allows the fabrication of geometries that are challenging or costly to betabricated with conventional manufacturing technologies. In this study, we developed bio.inspired or metamaterials, and investigated their multifunctional properties, includingcompressive behavior, thermal characteristics, vibration attenuation, and sound absorptionThe performance mechanisms and their trade-offs were carefully explained using varioustypes of structures such as truss lattice, foam, and triply periodic minimal surface TPMS).
Jonghwan Suhr教授,1995年获得韩国成均馆大学学士学位,1997年获得韩国成均馆大学硕士学位,2005年获得美国伦斯勒理工亚洲体育博彩平台
教授。其主要从事复合材料,环境友好型材料,弹性体以及3D打印的研究,在CompositesPartB:Engineering,Carbon,NanoResearch, Nano letters, Additive manufacturing, Industrial Crops and Products等相关领域国际顶级期刊发表学术论文200多篇,H指数43。领导/协调/参与了多个国家的研究项目,与一些著名企业(三星、LG、现代等)开展了密切且长期的合作。其在2018年到2020年曾担任成均馆大学聚合物科学与工程系的主任,以及在2023年担任成均馆大学机械工程系的主任。其获得过多项奖项,在2011年获得美国空军科学研究办公室颁发的研究计划奖,在2023年获得韩国复合材料学会复合材料论文奖等。