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Remelting of settling/floating crystals during alloy solidification

发布时间:2024-09-04    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报告人:吴孟怀 教授 奥地利莱奥本大学

报告时间:2024年9月6日 周五 10:00-12:00



Solidification and remelting occur concurrently during solidification of many engineering castings. The current contribution is to address the flow-effect on the remelting of settling/floating crystals during the mixed columnar-equiaxed solidification. The modelling results show that remelting rate of the floating/settling crystals, which originate from fragmentation and then brought to the superheated region by the forced flow, is significantly enhanced by the flow.In turn the released latent heat can reduce the temperature locally (even globally), hence to speed up the solidification of the columnar structure. Additionally, the solidification-migration-remelting of equiaxed grains present an important macrosegregation mechanism. By solidification of a crystal in the cold region it rejects solute, while by remelting of the crystal it dilutes the surrounding melt. These phenomena are found critical in many engineering castings with mixed columnar-equiaxed solidification.


吴孟怀教授,1986年获西北工业大学硕士,2000年获德国亚琛工业大学工学博士,2010年担任奥地利莱奥本大学先进凝固及熔化过程数值仿真实验室负责人。主要从事凝固及相关冶金过程的数值模拟与仿真研究,在Acta Mater., Comp. Mater. Sci., Metall. Mater. Trans. A&B等相关领域国际顶尖学术刊物上发表学术论文400余篇,H指数38。领导/协调/参与了许多国家、欧盟和国际的研究项目,与钢铁行业(Primetals、奥钢联INTECO、RHI Magnesita等)开展了广泛深入的合作。建立的多相凝固模型已广泛应用于连铸、半连铸、铸锭、ESR/VAR等领域。鉴于吴孟怀教授在数值模拟领域的突出贡献,奥地利Styria州政府授予他2010年"Grundlagenforschung -基础研究”年度荣誉奖(该奖项每年一次,每次只限一人)。