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CoCrFeNi-An ideal starting compositionally complex alloyin pursuit of materials for demanding structural applications

发布时间:2024-01-23    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报告人:Dr.Khurram Yaqoob,巴基斯坦国立科技大学

报告时间:2024年1月24日 周三下午14:30-15:30

地 点:三一大楼 409


High entropy concept is one the recent revolutionary breakthrough in the field of materials science that hasshown the potential to address the ever increasing demand of materials with energy efficiency and sustainabilitvCoCrFeNi is one of the most well-studied compositionally complex alloys. It has been used as the matrix materiabecause of its excellent ductility and different microstructural modifications have been made to develop materialswith better combination of strength and ductility. CoCrFeNi based eutectic HEA (EHEA) have been successfulldeveloped by addition of w, Nb, and/or Ta. The developed eutectic high entropy alloys have shown excellentcombination of strength and ductility, A ddition of ceramics (siC and TiB2) to the CoCrFeNi has also been tried anshowed even better combination of mechanical properties. It is therefore believed that CoCrFeNi can serve as anideal starting material in pursuit of materials for demanding structural application


Dr. Khurram Yagoob is currently serving as tenured associate professor and Head of Department of Materialengineering at $chool of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National University of Sciences and TechnologyIslamabad, Pakistan. He has completed his undergraduate studies in Metallurgical Engineering from University ofEngineering and Technology, Lahore. Pakistan, MS in Materials Science fom University of Toulouse ll. and Phlin Materials $ciences from University of Paris East, France, He did his postdoc from Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea. Research interests of Dr. Khurram Yagoob include design and development of 3d interconnectedporous as well as massive high entropy alloys for structural applications. He has registered 4 international patents ondevelopment of novel methods for development of high entropy foams and authored several articles in well reputedjournals of the field. He has won several national and international research grants and developed “Alloy design andManufacturing lab" at his institute. He was also awarded with best researcher award of the National University ofSciences and Technology.