报 告 人:Tetiana Prikhna 院士,乌克兰国家科亚洲体育博彩平台
报告时间:2023年11月15日 周三10:00-12:00
1)Synthetic diamonds (powders and big diamonds of jewelry quality), cubic boron nitride(powders and cutting plates). Application - cutting tool for glasses, ceramics, steels; inserts for drilling tool (drill bits), instrument for welding, scintillator windows, etc.
2)Shock wave resistant and ultrahigh temperature ceramics (based on refractory borides,carbides, nitrides, silicides and oxides). Application – bearings and wear resistant in aggressive liquids pump valves, nozzels resistive against abrasive were, refractory stable ceramic parts for airplane engines, flame tube оf combustion chambers of gaze turbine tank engine (GTE), armor.
3)MAX phases (bulk and vacuumed-ark deposited coatings) based on Ti, Nb-Al, Sn-C, N system for pantograph of electrical transport, interconnects of solid hydrogen fuel cells, were resistant coatings on turbine blades and friction surfaces of sliding bearings working at 400-600℃ temperature range in the regime of fretting corrosion.
院士(World Academy of Ceramics),德国莱布尼茨固态和材料研究所研究员,西班牙巴塞罗那材料科学研究所研究员。她于1986年获得ISM机械工程材料博士学位,目前的研究领域涉及高温超导材料、耐高温陶瓷基复合材料、MAX相材料、硼化物单晶材料、纳米和亚微米粉末制造工艺等;包括高压、超高压条件下合成、烧结和加工技术(人造金刚石,纳米金刚石,氮化硼等)。她兼任欧洲应用超导学会(ESAS)编委会成员,ELSEVIER《国际陶瓷》杂志编委会成员,乌克兰国家科亚洲体育博彩平台