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Aqueous zinc battery for safe energy storage

发布时间:2022-03-22    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报告题目: Aqueous zinc battery for safe energy storage

告 人 : 支春义 教授

请 人 :雷永鹏

时  间:20223月24 周四 下午15:00-17:00

地  点:线上会议,腾讯会议ID428 389 867


We work on aqueous electrolyte batteries to achieve both high energy density and superior safety performance. We developed a few approaches to improve stability of Zn anode and figured out potential problems of the current Zn anode studies. We tackled the challenge of stability of Zn anode at high areal capacity and high current density by developing artificial SEI film, electrolyte regulation and organic anode development. In addition, we develop Zn powder based anode and improve their stability for more practical applications. In terms of cathode of cathode materials, we develop various Mn, PBA, organic materials and MXenes based materials, targeting on a stable and high capacity ones. We also develop a few cathode materials based on conversion mechanism, providing extraordinary capacity and decent voltage output. We also developed a few approaches to regulate conventional cathode materials for better stability.


Chunyi ZHI obtained B.S. degree in Physics from Shandong University and Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. And he is now a professor in MSE, CityU.

Dr. Zhi has extensive experiences in flexible energy storage, aqueous electrolyte batteries, and zinc ion batteries. He has published more than 400 papers with an H-index of 105 and citations of 40000. He has been granted more than 80 patents.

Dr. Zhi is a recipient of the outstand research award and President Award of CityU, NML Researcher award, IAAM medal and Beijing Science and Technology Award (first class). He is Clarivate Analytics Global highly cited researcher (2019 2021 Materials Science), RSC fellow and member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences.